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Cherry Lipstick Future Past New Issue!

cherry lipstick

Launching our 39th - and 40th! - print fanzines, the following up to our acclaimed May 2021 issue that celebrated the release of INVISIBLE.

Our new issue is all about FUTURE PAST and will be published in November 2021. It is feature all -new articles (never to be available on the website) covering considered reviews, views and more about our new Duran album.

There is a thrill in the immediate reaction and conversation that flows on social media. But the Cherry Lipstick print fanzine provides a considered, fan-based, reflective take on Duran Duran in a keep-sake print edition (as well as some of the silly stuff that you expect). Our readers love having them sent out to their homes as a permanent addition to their collection, and knowing that they have that link to the Duran fans of the past.

It is now available on pre-sale at


As a bonus for early purchasers, there is a BONUS 20-page issue which will be sent (one per customer) to the first 75 customers. This will feature original articles never to be available on the website, and some from the website that will subsequently be taken down.

Shipping rates reflect the prices from the UK which have sadly risen three times in the past 12 months. However, they are fixed and multiple purchases will not cause a shipping price rise.

This will be Cherry Lipstick's 7th - and 8th - print fanzine since July 2019. Some thought that this was not possible in the 21st Century. It is very possible that no one else anywhere is doing this for any other band. With the support of hundreds of readers all over the world, our print editions are a key part of what makes the Cherry Lipstick community so unique.

I hope that you will join in with this celebratory venture.

Online = Streaming. Print = Vinyl.


Editor, Cherry Lipstick


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